Guangzhou Neerg Eco Technologies Ltd.

Main products: Solar Light ,Gardening ,Solar power system ,Wind Turbine

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NEERG is just green. We focus on energy and environment, providing energy saving and eco friendly products to help people save energy, cost, and save the environment. Green means environment friendly, renewable and sustainable, natural, organic, energy efficient. We provide an ever-increasing range of innovative and high quality energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products, help people save energy and money, live a healthy and harmony lifestyle, lower environmental impact, reduce carbon footprint, and protect the earth's environment. Currently our products include renewable energy (solar, wind, hand/food cranking), gardening, energy-saving electrics, wood/bamboo/rattan, emergency and rescue, medical etc. Up till now, we have been working in foreign trading and services for over 10 years. We truly appreciate the tremendous value of customer relationship; creating excellent customer satisfaction is the No.1 priority forever. OUR MISSION: To provide comprehensive green innovative products and professional services, help people to save energy and money, reduce environmental impact and live a healthier life To keep our products and services at most reasonable prices, so that most common people can afford low carbon lifestyle To provide the best possible solutions to environment protection and energy conservation OUR VALUES: Professional choices for customers Efficient and quick services Protecting the environment Conserving energy Pioneering and innovation

Basic Information

Business TypeManufacturer,Trading Company
Company NameGuangzhou Neerg Eco Technologies Ltd.
Factory LocationRM303 B Builing,Youke Business Center, No.8 Kexin Road, Tianhe District Guangzhou,Guangdong
Factory SizeBelow 1,000 square meters
Main MarketsNorth America , Western Europe , Mid East , Eastern Europe , Southeast Asia , Eastern Asia , Oceania , Africa , South America
Main ProductsSolar Light ,Gardening ,Solar power system ,Wind Turbine
Number of Workers11 - 50 People
Port of Shipment
We ProvideSolar Light ,Gardening ,Solar power system ,Wind Turbine
Year Established2011

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